Museum of Modern Art in Porno - Vol. 1

Museum of Modern Art in Porno - Vol. 1


“Museum of Modern Art in Porno” - Vol. 1 is an exploration into the pages of a vintage pornographic magazine and the fine art aspects held within those centerfolds and often over looked atmospheric pages. This book pulls from those artistic visual notes and imagery to dive deep into the fields of painting, sculpture, landscapes, art history, advertisement within the 80’s and much more. We highlight over looked imagery, paintings, advertisements, illustrations and artists that have a strong hand and eye within the fine art world. Please read the introduction to learn more.

Full Color Matte Printing
First Edition - Vol. 1
80 Pages
8.5” x 11”
Perfect Bound
Smooth matte cover with lush matte interior.
Printed in the United States in the year of 2021.

Introduction and written content by Kyle Quinn
Design & Layout by Kyle Quinn
Published by Raw Meat Collective

RM: 036

Released for NADA Miami 2021.

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"Chain Gang Bang 77" by Kyle Quinn

"Tensions" by Susan Carr Tensions-2.png

"Tensions" by Susan Carr

"Things Men Say To Me" by Kyle Quinn - Physical Copy TMSTM-01.jpg

"Things Men Say To Me" by Kyle Quinn - Physical Copy

“Museum of Modern Art in Porno” - Vol. 2 back-cover-01.jpg

“Museum of Modern Art in Porno” - Vol. 2

"Catalogue" by Kyle Quinn D1F64591-6D2B-4039-8436-3044099AACE0

"Catalogue" by Kyle Quinn
